5 Steps Before Starting a Podcast
Amazing! You want to start a podcast and share something you know with the world! How exciting is that? Starting a podcast can be easy and not stressful if you follow these 5 steps.
What are you going to talk about? What can you share with the world that will benefit someone else? Is there something you are passionate about and think would make for an awesome show? Do you have a niche that no one else is talking about? Be specific!
Purchase a quality microphone and WEAR HEADPHONES when you are recording your podcast so you can eliminate any background noise. This is an important step that can differentiate between a crappy sounding podcast and a flawless one.
Why should you hire a remote podcast producer? They will take all the pressure off of you so you can focus on what matters to your listeners, the content. A producer, like Pretty Easy Podcasts, will help you launch your podcast, structure your podcasts, record your podcast, edit your podcast, and distribute your podcast on all platforms. Producers can also help you with feed management and to make sure your podcast always gets posted on time. This is important. Having podcast production help will give you a live remote producer while you are recording your show. Need something edited on the spot? Having a professional producer there to help is essential.
A great piece of advice before launching your podcast is to have a 3-10 episodes prerecorded so you are not worried about deadlines. Posting your show at a consistent day/time is so crucial to retaining your listeners and keeping them coming back for more. Show your community you care by providing them what they are seeking! TV shows rarely take a week off so why should you during your podcast season?
How can you give back to the people who are listening to you weekly? Have an email account where they can send questions and answer them on your show. Or have a phone number where listerners could leave voicemails that you can play on your show. Be active on social media, and have all social media accounts, in order to continue to be able to engage with your listeners.