Behavior Bitches Podcast

Behavior Bitches Podcast

Behavior bitches

Behavior Bitches Podcast is where Modern Day Behavior analysts analyze why the f*$# people do what they do. Ever wonder why guys always assume you’re down to get dirty within 3 seconds of meeting them? Why you keep making the same bad decisions and getting back with your shitty ex? Why you can’t stick to a diet? What the hell can you do so your employees start showing up to work on time? Well, there’s a reason and we’re ready to be direct AF with you by behaviorally breaking down the situation and identifying the function in a way that any average Joe or Jane can understand. 

Liat Sacks, M.Ed, BCBA, LBA and Casey McDaniel, M.S., BCBA are your soon to be BFF’s because they make this crazy, “random” world make sense through the lens of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).  


Beautiful Humans: The Social ChangeCast

The Social ChangeCast is a podcast started by two behavior analysts who are passionate about bridging behavioral science and social justice. Together, they bring you weekly conversations about current events around hard topics such as racism, sexism, heterosexism and all forms of oppression.

The Vine: A Plant Media Project Podcast

Hosted by Gina Vensel and Elizabeth Sheldon, The Vine gives an insightful look into the world of plant medicine. Exploring the changing landscape around cannabis and ending the stigma through educational discussions.  


Every woman has a story to tell. What if we used our stories to reveal our whole selves - the struggles, the triumphs and all the crap in between? 

Reveal is focused on showcasing stories of women and how they've persevered through incredible circumstances and transformed their lives. Is this a show about perfection? Nope, ‘cause that doesn't exist. Is this a show full of empty self-help quotes for you to put on your IG? Hell no, that ain't our style. 

Hosted by Sarah Trautman, this is a show about how revealing your whole self to others can transform your life, can elevate other women and can create powerful connections. We welcome you to join us... 


marriage & movies 

Marriage and Movies is a conversational podcast hosted by husband and wife, Terry and Salena Schilling. Each episode, two amazing things happen. One, they discuss and review some of the latest movies and TV shows released across streaming sites and theatres. Two, they interview other couples and start every conversation with the question, “what’s the last thing you watched together?” Then end with, “what’s your secret to a successful marriage?” 


open teams

Your company uses open source software but needs to better understand how to effectively manage it.  Whether you are looking to start an Open Source Program Office, leverage open source to attract great talent, contribute back to open source projects you use, or just become a more open source-friendly company, then this is the podcast for you.  

In this podcast, Eunice Chendjou and Henry Badgery host interviews with some of the world’s top experts that sit at the intersection of business and open source. Some distinguished guests include Gil Yehuda, Andrew Aitken, Nithya Ruff and Joseph Jacks. The goal of this Open Source podcast is to help businesses better manage the open source technologies they rely on. We believe that with the right kind of corporate participation, open source can thrive.