Accessories to Enhance Your Podcast

Starting a podcast can seem quite intimidating.  After figuring out the content, what you are going to be talking about, it's pretty simple from there. Partnering with a podcast production company like, Pretty Easy Podcasts, can take all the technical burden off your shoulders. No need to worry about recording issues, editing issues, and production issues, as your podcast production partner would take care of all of that. Production elements will enhance your podcast, making it sound fluent and appealing to your listeners. Once you launch your podcast, and get your podcast off the ground, the process will become routine and easier.  However, once you start your podcast there a few items that will make you sound as if you are in your very own studio.   

Accessories to Enhance Your Podcast:

1. Quality Microphone - There are so many options out there! Contact us to find out which we reccomend to our clients!

2.  Pop Filter  - Do you pop your P’s?

3. Headphones - always wear your headphones to avoid echos, and extra background noise.

4. Quiet small location - to avoid echos, it’s best to be in a smaller room.

5. Consistency  - record and post your podcast on a regular basis.

6. Guests - have guests on your podcasts and be a guest on other podcasts!

7. Partnering with a podcast producer to add production elements, intros, outros, music, and all the technical editing that goes into a podcast. 

Feel free to contact us for any product suggestions.